Respondus Lockdown Browser Now Available

April 4, 2024

Good morning,

There is a new way for instructors to offer exams through Canvas in our STEC general purpose classrooms.  Respondus allows instructors to offer a Canvas exam where students will only be able to access the exam and nothing else.  The Knowledge Base article below has more information about Respondus and how instructors can use it.  Instructors are told to reach out to their department scheduler if they want to schedule an exam in a STEC room.  You’ll need to create an event for these in 25Live to reserve rooms. 

As a reminder, if they want to have an exam in the evening, they must follow the procedures outlined here.  Also, remember that some of our STEC rooms, the capacity of the room and the number of computers in the room do not match.  Please refer to this when reserving STEC rooms.

Thank you,
