Grades are assigned to individual students on the basis of the instructor's judgment of the student's scholastic achievement using the grading system below (policy 47-00).
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Excellent - Exceptional Achievement | A A- |
Good - Extensive Achievement | B+ B B- |
Satisfactory - Acceptable Achievement | C+ C |
*Poor - Minimal Achievement | D |
Failure - Inadequate Achievement (To secure credit, course must be repeated.) |
F |
* D (Poor): Indicates the student may not have achieved the minimal level of comprehension in carrying a more advanced course for which this course is a specific prerequisite. In addition, a grade of D may not satisfy some major degree requirements.
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Excellent - Exceptional Achievement | A A- |
Good - Substantial Achievement | B+ B B- C+ |
Satisfactory - Acceptable but Substandard Achievement | C |
*Poor/Failure - Inadequate Achievement | D |
**Failure - Failure (To secure credit, course must be repeated and successfully passed.) |
F |
* D (Poor/Failure): This is a failing grade for a graduate student and cannot be used to meet graduate degree requirements and will not count toward total credits earned.
** F (Failure): Work unworthy of any credit, and suggests that the student may not be capable of succeeding in graduate study.
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Audit | AU |
Audit, Attended Regularly | AUS |
Audit, Did Not Attend Regularly | AUU |
Credit by Examination | CRX |
Deferred | DF |
Fail | FL |
Incomplete Average | INCP/I |
Not Degree Credit | NDC |
No Grade Reported | NG |
Pass, Course Carries No Credit | NCP |
Fail, Course Carries No Credit | NCF |
Pass | P/PS |
Research | R |
Proficiency Exam Passed | S |
Satisfactory | SA |
Unsatisfactory | UN |
Withdrawal | W |
* Late Drop, Failing | WF |
Late Drop, No Grade Reported | LD |
Late Drop, No Grade Reported (Prior to Fall Semester 2016) |
WN |
Late Drop, Passing (Prior to Fall Semester 2010) |
WP |
Fail, Academic Dishonesty | XF |
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Excellent - Exceptional Achievement | A A- B+ |
Good - Substantial Achievement | B B- C+ |
Satisfactory - Acceptable Achievement | C |
Poor - Inadequate Achievement | D |
Failure - No credit earned | F |
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Excellent | A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D |
Failure | F |
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Distinguished | A |
Excellent | A- |
Superior | B+ |
Very Good | B |
Good | B- |
Satisfactory | C+ |
Passing | C |
Conditional Failure | D |
Fail (No credit) | F |
Other Symbols | CR=Credit NC=No credit |
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Distinguished | 90 and above |
Excellent | 85-89 |
Good | 80-84 |
Satisfactory | 75-79 |
Passing | 70-74 |
Conditional Failure | 65-69 |
Fail (No credit) | Below 65 |
Other Symbols | CR=Credit NC=No credit |
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Distinguished | 90 and above |
Excellent | 85-89 |
Good | 75-84 |
Qualified | 70-74 |
Poor | 65-69 |
Fail (No credit) | Below 65 |
Quality of Performance | Grade |
Honors | H |
High Pass | HP |
Low Pass | LP |
Pass | P |
Fail | Fail |