Grading System

Grades are assigned to individual students on the basis of the instructor's judgment of the student's scholastic achievement using the grading system below (policy 47-00).

Undergraduate Grading System

Summary of undergraduate grading system
Quality of Performance Grade
Excellent - Exceptional Achievement A
Good - Extensive Achievement B+
Satisfactory - Acceptable Achievement C+
*Poor - Minimal Achievement D
Failure - Inadequate Achievement
(To secure credit, course must be repeated.)

* D (Poor): Indicates the student may not have achieved the minimal level of comprehension in carrying a more advanced course for which this course is a specific prerequisite. In addition, a grade of D may not satisfy some major degree requirements.

Graduate Grading System

Summary of graduate grading system
Quality of Performance Grade
Excellent - Exceptional Achievement A
Good - Substantial Achievement B+
Satisfactory - Acceptable but Substandard Achievement C
*Poor/Failure - Inadequate Achievement D
**Failure - Failure
(To secure credit, course must be repeated and successfully passed.)

* D (Poor/Failure): This is a failing grade for a graduate student and cannot be used to meet graduate degree requirements and will not count toward total credits earned.

** F (Failure): Work unworthy of any credit, and suggests that the student may not be capable of succeeding in graduate study.

Other Grading Symbols

Summary of other grading symbols used on student transcripts
Quality of Performance Grade
Audit AU
Audit, Attended Regularly AUS
Audit, Did Not Attend Regularly AUU
Credit by Examination CRX
Deferred DF
Fail FL
Incomplete Average INCP/I
Not Degree Credit NDC
No Grade Reported NG
Pass, Course Carries No Credit NCP
Fail, Course Carries No Credit NCF
Pass P/PS
Research R
Proficiency Exam Passed S
Satisfactory SA
Unsatisfactory UN
Withdrawal W
* Late Drop, Failing WF
Late Drop, No Grade Reported LD
Late Drop, No Grade Reported
(Prior to Fall Semester 2016)
Late Drop, Passing
(Prior to Fall Semester 2010)
Fail, Academic Dishonesty XF

Master of Laws Grading System

Effective Fall 2012

Summary of the Master of Laws grading system effective beginning fall semester 2012
Quality of Performance Grade
Excellent - Exceptional Achievement A
Good - Substantial Achievement B
Satisfactory - Acceptable Achievement C
Poor - Inadequate Achievement D
Failure - No credit earned F

Prior to Fall 2012

Summary of the Master of Laws grading system prior to the fall 2012 semester
Quality of Performance Grade
Excellent A+
Failure F

Juris Doctor Grading System

Effective Summer 2005

Summary of the Juris Doctor grading system effective beginning summer semester 2005
Quality of Performance Grade
Distinguished A
Excellent A-
Superior B+
Very Good B
Good B-
Satisfactory C+
Passing C
Conditional Failure D
Fail (No credit) F
Other Symbols CR=Credit
NC=No credit

Effective Fall 2000 - Spring 2005

Summary of Juris Doctor grading system effective fall semester 2000 through spring semester 2005
Quality of Performance Grade
Distinguished 90 and above
Excellent 85-89
Good 80-84
Satisfactory 75-79
Passing 70-74
Conditional Failure 65-69
Fail (No credit) Below 65
Other Symbols CR=Credit
NC=No credit

Prior to Fall 2000

Summary of Juris Doctor grading system prior to the fall 2000 semester
Quality of Performance Grade
Distinguished 90 and above
Excellent 85-89
Good 75-84
Qualified 70-74
Poor 65-69
Fail (No credit) Below 65

Medical Grading System

Summary of the medical grading system
Quality of Performance Grade
Honors H
High Pass HP
Low Pass LP
Pass P
Fail Fail