If a student is prevented from completing a course within the prescribed amount of time, it is possible to have the grade for that course deferred and be completed at a later date. Undergraduate students should refer to policy (policy 48-40). Graduate students may find the academic policy regarding deferred grades in GCAC-401 Grading System.
Student Level: | Grade Due: |
Undergraduate | 10 weeks after final grade reporting date |
Law | 10 weeks after final grade reporting date |
Graduate | Refer to GCAC-401 Grading System |
Deadlines apply to spring, summer and fall semesters.
Extension beyond deadline may be granted for extenuating circumstances only, with the concurrence of your course instructor. To obtain an extension of a deferred grade, undergraduate students should contact their instructor; graduate students must work directly with their instructors as noted in GCAC-401 Grading System; and law students should contact the Penn State Law Registrar's Office.
Graduate students follow the policy on Deferred Grades set by Graduate Council and detailed in GCAC-401 Grading System.
Student Level: | Grade Due: |
Undergraduate | 10 weeks after course end date |
Law | 10 weeks after course end date |
Graduate | Refer to the GCAC-401 Grading System |
Deadlines apply to spring, summer and fall semesters.
Receives "DF" in: | Grade Due: |
Spring, with summer registration | last day of the second six-week summer session |
Spring with no summer registration | six weeks into the fall semester |
Summer | six weeks into the fall semester |
Fall | six weeks into the spring semester |
Graduate and law students follow the same schedule as above with the exception of having nine-weeks to complete the course.