Classrooms During Spring 2021 Remote Period

January 8, 2021

Good morning,

It has been decided that we will follow the same guidelines for classrooms during the spring 2021 remote period as we did for the fall 2020 remote period. We recently removed your classes from classrooms in 25Live from January 19-February 12. If you have an instructor that wants to use a classroom during the remote period, please go to 25Live and create an event for the time and days they need the room. By doing this, the HVAC system will turn on while they are there and this will let custodial services know that the room needs to be cleaned. Please complete this by Thursday, January 14th.

Prior to break, I gave a list of access IDs to physical security of any instructor that was assigned to a general purpose classroom and any instructor that was assigned to any of the special locations (BJC, NLI, State Theatre, etc.). Physical security has uploaded these IDs into their system so that these instructors can have card swipe access into any building that has a general purpose classroom. The special locations like the BJC will not be available for instructors during the remote period, but you can put them in a general purpose classroom if they need a space to teach while we are remote.

Five buildings (Thomas, Boucke, Osmond, Willard, and Hammond) will be open 8am-9pm, Monday-Friday, and 11am-5pm on Saturdays and Sundays for students during the remote period.

We know that there is an exception process for some classes to remain in person January 19-February 12 and once we receive a list of those classes from the committee that is reviewing the requests, we will enter those classes back into 25Live.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

