Reserve Capacities

October 9, 2020


With the changes to the academic calendar and with changes to the registration timetable, we are not sure if some of you need to change the dates of your reserve capacities. To see if you have a reserve capacity, please use the PE_SR_CRSE_CONTROLS_VALIDATION query and enter the prompts for 2211, your subject and campus. If you download it to Excel, you can filter column U and remove the blanks. Anything left with a date needs to be checked to make sure you don't want it changed. Some of you had them built based on the first week of classes and some of you had them based on when certain populations of students would register.

Additional information/dates will be forth coming.

Here is the new registration timetable and the academic calendar

If you need the dates of your reserve capacities changed, please email

Have a good weekend!
