Spring 2021 Roll

April 14, 2020

I am happy to tell you that Spring 2021 (2211) is ready in LionPATH. Here are a few reminders:

  1. On the Basic Data tab, please fill in the session, class section, component, class type, and associated class.
    1. Remember that you cannot change the start/end dates for any session other than the MIN session.
    2. Remember that if your class is a standalone section that is not tied to any other sections, your associated class number should be equal to your section number.
    3. Remember all classes marked as Hybrid (H) will need to be changed to one of the new hybrid designations.
      • H2 - Hybrid 25-50% online
      • H5 - Hybrid 51-74% online
      • H7 - Hybrid 75% and up online
  2. Meeting times were rolled. If you had a non-standard class that was approved to roll, those times have rolled. However, if your non-standard class was not approved to roll, you will need to enter in those meeting times.
  3. The only information you should enter into the Facility ID field on the Meetings tab is if your class is meeting by appointment, web, or you are going to enter in a department owned room. DO NOT ENTER IN GENERAL PURPOSE CLASSROOMS. General purpose classrooms will be assigned by the Optimizer.
  4. Instructors: Make sure their role, access, and workload are still correct. Pay Detail rolls now, but you should double-check that it is correct. Use query PE_RP_CLASS_MISSING_PAY_DTL to check your classes.
  5. Enter in room characteristics if your class needs special room features.
    1. Remember that if you request STEC, STEC-Mac, STEC-PC that you need to put in the quantity of computers you need. If you leave it as one, you will most likely be assigned an STEC that does not have the number of computers you need for your students.
  6. On the Enrollment Cntrl tab, please remember that only "Active" classes will show up in CollegeNET and be assigned rooms. Put in a requested room capacity, enrollment capacity, and a wait list.
  7. Feel free to add notes about your classes into the Free Format Text box on the Notes tab. Since the Class Search in LionPATH does not provide department phone numbers, I would suggest you enter in your department's phone number so students can contact you if they have questions about your class.
  8. If you need to delete sections that rolled, you can use the minus button on the Basic Data Tab up until we run the Optimizer. After that, you will need to cancel your classes on the Enrollment Cntrl tab.
  9. If you go to Adjust Class Associations (Curriculum Management-Schedule of Classes-Adjust Class Associations), you can adjust credit values for your variable credits on the Class Associations tab.
    1. Remember, if you have a full time equivalent course that also happens to be variable credit, you need to create a section for each credit value.
    2. If you have a 601 class, please make sure that your Billing Factor is 0.
    3. Screenshot of where Billing Factor can be found on the Class Associations section in LionPATH
  10. Under the Class Components tab, you can add or remove class components for your classes. Please do not add components to your classes that are not on the course catalog. If you find that there is only one component and you need more, look at the course catalog (Curriculum Management-Course Catalog-Course Catalog) to see what components have been approved for your class.
  11. The Class Requisites tab is where you will find prerequisites (Catalog Requisites) and course controls (Class Association Requisites). Course controls rolled, but if you need new ones or corrections to existing ones, you will need to fill out the course control form. You all have access to a query called PE_SR_CRSE_CONTROLS_VALIDATION. Use this to see what course controls rolled for your classes
  12. Please remember to use the Combined Sections table to combine any of your cross-listed or concurrent classes. If you forget this step, your classes will not end up in the same room.
  13. I attached a list of classrooms by partition and the partitions each subject has requested. If you would like to change those, please let me know.

Here is the timeline for processing Spring 2021:

  • April 13: Roll
  • April 13-June 19: College Schedulers build classes
  • June 24: Optimizer runs
  • July 27: College Schedulers have access to LionPATH
  • September 8: Publish Schedule of Classes
  • September 23: Shopping Cart Opens
  • October 7: Priority registration begins
  • October 14: Regular registration begins

If you have questions, please reach out to us by emailing esmail@psu.edu.

Attachments for Download