Spring 2022 Final Exam Publication

February 14, 2022

Good Morning,

Spring 2022 finals have been loaded into LionPATH. Please use the PE_SR_FINAL_EXAM_SCHEDS to see when your finals are scheduled. Finals were scheduled for classes that requested a final by the deadline, which was Friday, January 14th by 5 PM.

Students can view their final exam schedule in their Student Center and instructors can view their finals in their Faculty Center. Students have from February 14th through March 6th to request a conflict exam if they have a conflict. They can do this by going to the conflict application to request a resolution to their conflict. A conflict would be three exams in one day or three exams consecutive in a 24-hour period (ex. two exams in a row at the end of the day on Wed and then one at 8AM on Thurs).

Remember, DO NOT touch anything on the Exam tab in LionPATH for your finals. This will cause serious problems if they are touched. LionPATH has built the ability to audit all things pertaining to final exams.

If you have missed the deadline you will have to wait until after conflict exams have been scheduled and work with the instructor and students to find the best day and time to have the exam and then submit an event room request form for a room if you need one, blocks on rooms will remain in place in 25Live for that week.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at esmail@psu.edu.

Thank you.