6WK1/MIN Final Exam Publication Notice for Summer 2020

June 8, 2020

Good afternoon,

The first Summer six-week and Dynamic dated classes that end on 6/26 final exams have been added to LionPATH and you can now see the schedule for any classes you requested to have an exam. You all have access to a query called PE_SR_FINAL_EXAM_SCHEDS where you can see the exam schedule without having to go to each class and look up the information on the exam tab.

We do not use the Registrar's conflict exam application that we used this past fall and spring, summer finals are only held on one day and we do not schedule conflict exams. Students should be able to see their exam schedule in their student center and your instructors should be able to see the exam schedule in their faculty center.

Please communicate the schedule with your instructors so that they are aware of their final exam posting.

All exams have been assigned WEB for location.

If you have any questions, please let us know.