Summer 23 6WK2/Reg Final Exam Request Deadline

June 22, 2023

This is your first reminder that the deadline to request a final for Summer six week two and regular session 2023 is Friday, June 30th by 5PM, there will be no exceptions for any missed exams.
This is for classes that end on the week of 8/09/2023.
Final Exam Dates
Deadline to Request: 6/30/2023 by 5PM
Publication of Final Exams: 7/17/2023
Final Exam Day: 8/11/20223
Requesting Guidelines Summer 2023 features:

  1. ITEC: This means you are requesting a final and you want it in an ITEC room.
  2. No: This means you are not going to offer a final during finals week.
  3. Remote Asynchronous: Exams will be scheduled online on a specific day by the Office of the University Registrar and delivered using whatever platform the instructor finds appropriate, these exams will be open for 24 hours (12:00 a.m. - 11:59 p.m.).
  4. Remote Synchronous: Exams will be scheduled online at a specific day and time by the Office of the University Registrar and delivered using a platform the instructor finds appropriate.
  5. STEC: This means you are requesting a final and you want it in an STEC room (not the same as eTesting and is not a secured browser).
  6. VTEC: This means you are requesting a final and you want it in a VTEC room.
  7. Yes: This means you want a final and you do not have a room preference.
  8. eTesting: This means you are requesting an eTesting final. You must meet the following criteria to qualify for eTesting:
    1. Courses that had previous exams held in the eTesting lab (107 Pollock) that semester.
    2. Course enrollment size (normally above 600) -- to maximize the space, smaller enrollment courses are used to fill gaps around larger classes.

You CAN ask for a remote final even if your class is in person
You CANNOT have an online class and ask for an in person final.
For more information on how to request a final exam please visit:
If you have combined classes (cross listed) please notify our office so that we may group the final for you by emailing
Queries for you to utilize to check your exams

Please feel free to reach out to our office at with any questions you may have.

Thank you,

Cortney Gruneberg