Combined sections are used to schedule two or more different course offerings. The courses are identical but offered by different departments.
Both courses should be created and exist in Maintain Schedule of Classes
To create a combined section you must first create a combined section ID. This is done in the Combined Section Table.
You will see a list of combined section courses already listed.
Click the plus sign to add a blank row and assign you a Combined Sections ID.
Type your combined sections information in the text fields -- Make sure you add your campus so that you can easily identify your section. When finished, click Save.
You will see that a View Combined Sections link now appeared next to your listing. Click on the link.
Type the Class ID of your first course then click the plus sign to add a row to add the Class ID of your second course. This will pull the course information and enrollment capacity numbers from Maintain Schedule of Classes.
The Enrollment Capacity should total both classes' enrollment capacity.
The Permanent Combinations checkbox should be checked if the combination is permanent and will roll from semester to semester.
The Skip Mtg Pattern & Instr Edit box should be unchecked. This allows both classes to share instructor, meetings pattern, and room information.
When changing your enrollment totals, whether you are increasing or decreasing your enrollment numbers, you need to update this information in Maintain Schedule of Classes under your Enrollment Control tab:
Also you will need to update the enrollment numbers on the combined sections table:
Keep in mind that your enrollment numbers need to match or it will cause issues with enrollment.
The Meeting tab information for combined will be grayed out which will prevent any direct updating within Maintain Schedule of Classes.
To update your meeting pattern or instructor information, navigate to Schedule Class Meetings:
When scheduling a final exam for Combined Sections, you need to make sure you are requesting the same type of Final and Exam Seat Spacing for both classes. If the class that is combined with your course isn't your own course, you will need to send an email for them to be grouped together.
See below for how the exam tab should look once the finals are grouped together.