How to Schedule a New Class
LionPATH Navigation:
- Curriculum Management
- Schedule of Classes
- Schedule New Course
Step 1
If you have a new class that hasn't been offered for that particular semester (ex. Never offered in Fall), you need to navigate to "Schedule a New Course" in LionPATH to schedule a new course:
Step 2
The Basic Data tab includes the following:
Note: If adding a section, hit the plus button on the Basic Data tab to add a row to the existing class offering.
- Start/End Date
- The only time that you would change your dates would be if you choose the MIN session (Dynamic Dates). Make sure to update the dates on the meetings tab too.
- Fall & Spring
- Regular- Full Semester
- Seven Week 1: 1st half of semester
- Seven Week 2: 2nd half of semester
- MIN -- Dynamic Dates: Flexibly scheduled classes that don't fall within the traditional semester dates
- Summer
- Regular: Full Semester
- Four Week: Maymester session
- Six Week 1: 1st half of semester
- Six Week 2: 2nd half of semester
- MIN -- Dynamic Dates: Flexibly scheduled classes that don't fall within the traditional semester dates
Input three-character section. If creating a lab section put an "L" behind the three numbers, if creating recitation, you would put an "R" behind the three numbers or if creating discussion, you would put a "D" behind the three numbers.
Associated Class
This should match your section number, unless you have a multi-component class.
Instruction Mode
Instruction Mode indicates the manner in which instruction is delivered for each class section during a given semester.
Current instruction modes include:
- In Person (P): Class meets in person at days/times listed. Instructors can offer up to less than 25 percent of an in-person class remotely (synchronously or asynchronously), a flexibility to manage their own absences, whether due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, during travel, or for pedagogical reasons.
- Hybrid: 25-50% Remote (H2): Class will meet in person and remotely. 25-50% of the class will be taught remotely synchronously or asynchronously.
- Hybrid: 51-74% Remote (H5): Class will meet in person and remotely. 51-74% of the class will be taught remotely synchronously or asynchronously.
- Hybrid: 75% and up Remote (H7): Class will meet in person and remotely. 75-99% or more of the class will be taught remotely synchronously or asynchronously.
- Remote Asynchronous (RA): Class meets remotely. 100% of the class will be taught remotely asynchronously.
- Remote Synchronous (RS): Class meets remotely at days/times listed. 100% of the class will be taught remotely synchronously. Instructors can offer up to less than 25 percent of a Remote Synchronous class remotely asynchronously, a flexibility to manage their own absences, whether due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, during travel, or for pedagogical reasons.
- Video-Receiving (VR): Shared class that a campus receives at days/times listed. 100% of the class will be taught remotely synchronously. Instructors can offer up to less than 25 percent of a remote synchronous class asynchronously, a flexibility to manage their own absences, whether due to illness or other unavoidable circumstances, during travel, or for pedagogical reasons. Only for the Digital Learning Cooperative (DLC).
- Remote Blended: (RB): Remote Blended (RB) Class meets 100% remotely. The class will be intentionally taught remotely combining asynchronous and synchronous (at days/times listed) instruction.
Course Topic ID
Special topic courses. If you need to request a special topic course, please complete the one semester course offering form.
Step 3
The Meetings tab includes the following:
Facility ID
The only time you enter a room in the facility ID is if you are using a department room or if the class is web or by appointment you would list WEB or APPT. If you are using a department room please populate this field before the Optimizer run.
You will need to select your meeting pattern. When you choose your meeting pattern the days of the week will prefill, unless you choose One day, Non-Standard or Standard meeting pattern. Also if you are choosing Appointment or Web in the Facility ID you will want to list APPT or WEB.
Meeting Start and End Times
Input your start and end time.
Instructor ID
Input the instructor's nine-digit ID number. If you have multiple instructors hit the plus button to add a row.
Instructor Role
Select the instructor's role:
- Primary Instructor: The instructor with the primary role. The primary instructor should have the approve access. There always needs to be at least one Primary Instructor assigned.
- Secondary Instructor: Is not the primary Instructor. Secondary instructors usually have grade access.
- Teaching Assistant (TA): Teaching Assistants usually have grade access.
Choose which access the instructor should have. Never select "Post."
- Approve: Has the access to approve the grade roster and input grades.
- Grade: Can input grades which then go to the approver to submit to The Office of the University Registrar.
Step 4
The Workload tab includes Load Factor, Pay Detail, and Room Characteristics.
Load Factor
First, assign a Load Factor. If you have multiple instructors, this needs to add up to 100. If it is only one instructor, give them 100.
Pay Detail
This is where you list your Academic Org. If you are filling this out for a cross-listed class, put the Academic Org of the department the Instructor is assigned to.
Room Characteristics
This is where you will select which type of room characteristics needed for your class. At a minimum, list a technology (ITEC, STEC, PTEC or VTEC).
*If you are selecting STEC you must place how many computers you need in the quantity field, there are computer labs that have less computers than seats advertised.
Step 5
In the Enrollment Control tab, input your enrollment numbers. The requested room capacity is what the Optimizer uses when placing your class in a room. List a wait list capacity. If you want to offer a wait list, we recommend it should be 10-20 percent of your enrollment total. For example, if your enrollment capacity is 50 the waitlist capacity would be 5-10.
*Add/Drop Consents:
These should stay at No Consent, if you want the class to be controlled, you need to request a Course Control.
Step 6
If you have any additional information that you would like students to know about your classes, list this information in the Free Format Text field in the Notes tab.