This process is for department rooms only, and should only be done before the Optimizer run. This process should never be used for General Purpose Classrooms.
Enter the appropriate information into the Search Criteria fields. Click the "Search" button.
Click the Meetings tab (upper left).
Before you can perform the classroom scheduling process, the meeting patterns must be created so that the 25Live system knows the days/times to reserve the facility.
Select the appropriate Facility from the list displayed. Click the "Save" button.
Note: All General Purpose classrooms have a room code of 110 and are not department owned rooms and should not be selected.
After the run of the Optimizer is complete, the Facility ID number is sent to the 25Live system for the facility to be reserved.
Note: Assigning department rooms before the Optimizer in LionPATH can result in double booking a room. Please make sure that you are not scheduling two classes in the same room at the same time.