How to Schedule Hybrid Courses

For more information about hybrid learning, please visit the Hybrid Learning @ Penn State website and PHEAA Distance Learning Classification.

LionPATH Navigation:

  1. Curriculum Management
  2. Schedule of Classes
  3. Maintain Schedule of Classes

one Step 1

Navigate to the "*Instruction Mode" field and click on the search eyeglass.

Screenshot of the Instructor Mode search eyeglass on the Maintain Schedule of Classes screen in LionPATH.

two Step 2

There are three options for a hybrid course:

  • H2 -- Hybrid 25-50% online
  • H5 -- Hybrid 51-74% online
  • H7 -- Hybrid 75% and up online
Screenshot of the instructor mode hybrid course choices on the Maintain Schedule of Classes screen in LionPATH.

three Step 3

When you build these classes, there should be two meeting patterns on the Meetings tab in Maintain Schedule of Classes. To create a second meeting pattern click on the plus sign to add a row under the meeting pattern area.

The first meeting pattern will have the times and days of the week the class meets in person.

Screenshot of the first class meeting pattern fields on the Maintain Schedule of Classes screen in LionPATH.

The second meeting pattern will have a Facility ID of "Web" and Pattern 36.

Screenshot of the second class meeting pattern fields on the Maintain Schedule of Classes screen in LionPATH.

Click "Save."